Ngaben is cremation ceremony done/conducted in Bali, specially by which believe in the Hindu, where Hindu is majority religion in Island of A thousand Temple. In Pentameter Yadnya, this ceremony is included in Pitra Yadnya, that is ceremony addressed for the soul of ancestors. Mean the ceremony Ngaben of at its nucleus;core is to bring back the ancestor soul ( one who have died) to its provenance. A Pedanda tell the human being own the Wind, Utter the, Idep, and after dying Wind, Utter, That Idep is returned to by Brahma, Wisnu, Siwa.
Ceremony Ngaben is usually executed by folks family from one who die, as existing respect of a child to its parent. In once this ceremony usually finish the fund 15 million s / d 20 million rupiah. This ceremony is usually done/conducted gloriously, there no sob weeping, because in Bali there is an confidence that us may not cry one who have died in consequence can pursue the transportation journey of is the late go to its place day of Execution Ngaben determined with searching high time which is usually determined by Pedanda. Few days of before ceremony Ngaben executed by a family assisted by society will make the “ Bade And Cow” very luxury is made the than wood, colourful paper and other substance. “ Bade And Cow” this represent the place of dead body to be executed by Ngaben.
Morning of when this ceremony is executed, family and folks and also society will gather to draw up the ceremony. Dead body will be cleaned or ordinary referred as “ Nyiramin” by society and family, “ Nyiramin” this is led by one who is assumed oldest in society. Afterwards dead body will be weared by a Bali clothes of like within reason one who above the ground. Before event culminate executed, entire/all family will give the last respect and give the prayer hopefully late which ceremony obtain get the good place. After altogether ready to, hence dead body will be placed in “ Bade” to be carried to to troop to grave of place of ceremony Ngaben, accompanied by “ gamelan”, “ holy kidung”, and followed by entire/all family and society, in front/ahead of “ Bade” there are long white cloth having a meaning (of) as opener walke the the late go to its provenance. In each;every three or crossroad hence “ Bade” will be turned around by as much 3 times. At arrival in grave, ceremony Ngaben executed by placing dead body in “ Cow” what have been prepared by early with the other ceremony and prayer of supertitous formula from Ida Pedanda, later;then “ Cow” burned become the Ash. Dusty this is later then thrown to Sea or river assumed holy.
After this ceremony, family earn the peace pray the ancestor from sanctum and gate of each. cause family relationship in Bali very strong, because them always remember and respect the lelulur as well as its parent. There are belief that natural ancestor soul of reincarnation will return in family circle again, become usually a grandchild represent the reincarnation from its parent.
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